
How to be Single

I know what you’re thinking.  Who is this girl and why are her blog posts so freaking helpful for everyday life?  I know.  It’s your “How To” girl again and I am here to help you enjoy the single life.  If you are currently in a blissfully happy relationship with bae, save this blog post in your favorites for future reference…just in case of course.  I wish you eternal happiness.

Anyway,  we’ve all been through those horrible break ups and then we eat a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough while watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s wondering why we can’t be as carefree as Audrey Hepburn.  I’ve never done that, but in case you have, let me tell you a few of the greatest things you can enjoy about being single:

1. Your schedule revolves around only one person:  you.


2. You can eat whatever you want and look like a total slob doing it.


3. You only have to shave like once every three weeks if you’re really trying.  Forget Brazilian completely.

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4. You can go to Vegas and do Vegas right without a significant other in the back of your mind or buzzing in your back pocket wondering where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re dancing with.


5. Compromise does not have to be in your vocabulary.

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6. The only dramatic fights you have are with yourself because you didn’t give that hot guy your number at the club because you may or may not have been in an impaired state of mind.

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7. You don’t have to hide any natural bodily functions and suffer silently.  You are amazing, just the way you are.


8. Guys:  you don’t have to spend your life savings on dates.  Girls:  no one can use the fact that he spends his life savings on dates against you.

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9.  You never have to hear the parents of your significant other talk about how wonderful his/her exes were and listen to them ask you for the thousandth time what you’re doing with your life.

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10. You sleep like a rock knowing that no one is cheating on you.

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11. You can make out with multiple people without a reason why.  Disclaimer:  Herpes is real.

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12. Being alone allows time to appreciate all the unique qualities of your personality so that when a special person does come along, you know your self worth and the value that you bring to the relationship.

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Love yourself before you love another <3


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