Easy Steps to a Happier and Healthier version of Yourself

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Easy Steps to a Happier and Healthier version of Yourself

If you’re starting to feel a little down on live I have a couple suggestions for a little pick me up.

1. Water

Drink lots and lots of it. There are so many things that staying hydrated can do. A glass of water when you wake up, with each meal, and before you go to bed is a good base for how much you should be drinking. (And if you plan on going out and drinking just remember that for each ounce of alcohol your body needs 10 ounces to rehydrate). Water is your friend

 2. Food

Eating oily and fatty foods are known to slow your body down and just make you feel disgusting and sluggish. Eat healthy foods to get natural sources of energy. Your body is your temple, and it’s your responsibility to watch what goes inside of it! This also means not skipping meals, especially a healthy breakfast. Everyone should be allowed to cheat occasionally and i recommend looking at this for your next cheat day.

3. Exercise

These first three may seem like no brainers. Exercise is good for your body and mind and it can be something as simple as taking a long walk after dinner. Ever heard of runner’s high? that’s because your brain releases endorphins when you work out making you happier. Beyond feeling happier, it makes your body happier too. I recommend waking up early to work out, that way you get it out of the way early on!

4. Do Things for You

Sometimes it can be hard to be selfish. But it can be a bad thing to always be that person who helps others. Spending a lot of your time and energy focusing on ours needs means you can tend to put yours on the back burner. At the end of the day sometimes you just have to do things that are right for you, regardless of other’s needs and wants.

5. De stress

Everyone has those weeks that are just constantly packed with things you need to do. Even though you may think you have no free time, find time. Find thirty minutes a day to just de-stress and do something that makes you happy. Because stress can take a huge toll on your body and at the end of the day what’s more important: your grade on a quiz or your mental sanity?

6. Appreciate Others

Studies have proven that by sharing your affection towards others, you in return are happier. There are a lot of things to be grateful for and it’s easy to overlook the simply things in life like a friend or just having somewhere to sleep. Express love frequently and show your appreciation to those you care about. A simple text can go a long way.

7. Smile

Fact- smiling more just makes you happier in general. Smile at strangers when you’re walking somewhere, or smile at yourself in the mirror. Just smile all the time 🙂

8. Let Go of Grudges

Honestly there is no point to hating someone. Being angry is a waste of your time and energy, simply choose not to let things make me angry. Holding on to hate towards someone else is like poison, it is going to hurt you more than the person you hate

you deserve to be happy and healthy remember that!


JS xx

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